The reality of Devil Worship


Devil worship is now evident and stands to be counted among the various religions that are in the world. It is not openly practiced but it is believed that, it have the largest number of followers. How come? The populace is evidenced by the fact that even those who are attached or rather affiliated to other religions, have an affiliation with devil worship.

This is a vast religion because in it there are many ‘sects’. Thelema, freemasons, illuminati just to mention a few. The sect is out to cause terror and to bring ‘enlightment’ in the spiritual realms. The devil is an enemy of Christians, many would believe so. But how does the devil succeed in causing mayhem in Christian dominated spirituality? It all starts with the verse in Mt. 5:44, a call from Christ exhorting us to love our enemy.

Bearing that in mind, the materials presented here on this these leaflets are sourced from secondary sources because of the secrecy with which this religion is practiced. Therefore, we will rely on what was written on various sources and we will not admit or deny authenticity. This is for the reason that, some information is only known to the members.



The dark worship can be classified under several sects of divisions. Though independently formed, they point to one and the same thing.

1.1 Thelema

Aleister Crowley, born Edward Alexander Crowley; 12 October 1875 – 1 December 1947) was an English occultist, ceremonial magician, poet, painter, novelist, and mountaineer. He founded the religion and philosophy of Thelema[1], identifying himself as the prophet entrusted with guiding humanity into the Æon[2] of Horus in the early 20th century.

He wrote extensively on magic.[3]

1.2 The church of Satan

Who is Anton LaVey and why did he start the Church of Satan?

Anton LaVey, called “The Black Pope” by some of his followers, realized that two decades ago when he was playing organ for carnival sideshows. “On Saturday night,” he recalls, “I would see men lusting after half‐naked girls dancing at the carnival, and on Sunday morning when I was playing the organ for tent‐show evangelists at the other end of the carnival lot, I would see these same men sitting in the pews with their wives and children, asking God to forgive them and purge them of carnal desires. And the next Saturday night they’d be back at the carnival or some other place of indulgence. I knew then that the Christian church thrives on hypocrisy, and that man’s carnal nature will out no matter how much it is purged or scourged by any white light religion.”[4]

Although LaVey did not realize it then—he was only eighteen—he was on his way toward formulating a religion that would serve as the antithesis to Christianity and its Judaic heritage. It was an old religion, older than Christianity or Judaism. But it had never been formalized, arranged into a body of thought and ritual. That was to be LaVey’s role in 20th‐Century civilization. The church of Satan was thence put in place on April 30, 1966.

Magus Peter H. Gilmore is the current high priest of the church of Satan.

  • Illuminati

Definition and history

The illuminati is an elite organization of world leaders, business authorities, innovators, artists and other influential members of the planet.[5]

It is a secret society that was formed in the city of Ingolstadt in the southern German monarchy of Bavaria on May 1, 1776 by Adam Weishaupt, a 28-year-old professor of religious law in a Jesuit institution.

It aimed at achieving political goal by encouraging rebellion of the people and the abolition of the established monarchies. However, Illuminati was destroyed within 15 years of its founding.

The term “Illuminati” was first used by Spanish occultists toward the end of the fifteenth century to signify those alchemists and magicians who appeared to possess the “light” of spiritual illumination from a higher source. The term may have originated in the Gnostic dualism of the forces of Light and Darkness, and many individuals who claimed to be Illuminati, those enlightened by a higher wisdom…”[6]

The secret society known as the Order of the Illuminati was founded in the city beginning with only five members, Weishaupt order grew slowly, numbering about 60 in five cities by 1780. The professor deliberately blended mysticism into the workings of the brotherhood in order to make his agenda of republicanism appear to be more mysterious than a political reform group. He joined the Masons in Munich in 1777 and adopted many of their classes and orders and promised his initiates that they would receive a special communication of occult knowledge as they advanced higher in the ranks of the Illuminati.

However, in 1782, a group within the Masons called the Strict Observance demanded that a council be held at Wilhelmsbad to examine the true beliefs of Weishaupt and the Illuminati.

By 1784, Illuminati membership had risen to 3,000, and the secret society appeared on the verge of assuming control of the entire Masonic establishment.

Recent developments

Breeze wrapped in false promises is one of the enticements they use to gain numbers. However, behind these beckoning prosperity n fame, apparently lies some evil end than they conceal from unsuspecting masses. This is well seen in their sayings in their site named the official site of illuminati. “Illuminations: “A crown, golden in show, is but a wreath of thorns.”[7]

“Many desire to wear the cloak of kings but few can stand under the weight of its burden. The privileges of power beckon with promises of wealth, prestige, protection, and authority. But power is an apple whose core is poisoned — one bite too deep and all is lost.”[8]

  • Free masons

Freemasonry is one of the world’s oldest and largest non-religious, non-political, fraternal and charitable organizations. It teaches self-knowledge through participation in a progression of ceremonies. Members are expected to be of high moral standing and are encouraged to speak openly about Freemasonry. The following information is intended to explain Freemasonry as it is practiced under the United Grand Lodge of England, which administers Lodges of Freemasons in England and Wales and in many places overseas.

Freemasonry is a society of men concerned with moral and spiritual values. Its members are taught its principles (moral lessons and self-knowledge) by a series of ritual dramas – a progression of allegorical two-part plays which are learnt by heart and performed within each Lodge – which follow ancient forms, and use stonemasons’ customs and tools as allegorical guides. Freemasonry instils in its members a moral and ethical approach to life: its values are based on integrity, kindness, honesty and fairness. Members are urged to regard the interests of the family as paramount but, importantly, Freemasonry also teaches concern for people, care for the less fortunate and help for those in need.[9]

The origins and early development of Freemasonry are a matter of some debate and conjecture. A poem known as the “Regius Manuscript” has been dated to approximately 1390 and is the oldest known Masonic text. There is evidence to suggest that there were Masonic lodges in existence in Scotland as early as the late 16th century (for example the Lodge at Kilwinning, Scotland, has records that date to the late 16th century, and is mentioned in the Second Schaw Statutes (1599). There are clear references to the existence of lodges in England by the mid-17th century. Freemasonry is a fraternal organization that arose from obscure origins in the late 16th to early 17th century. Freemasonry now exists in various forms all over the world, with a membership estimated at around six million, including approximately 150,000 under the jurisdictions of the Grand Lodge of Scotland and Grand Lodge of Ireland, over a quarter of a million under the jurisdiction of the United Grand Lodge of England and just under two million in the United States. The fraternity is administratively organized into independent Grand Lodges or sometimes Orients, each of which governs its own jurisdiction, which consists of subordinate (or constituent) Lodges. The various Grand Lodges recognize each other, or not, based upon adherence to landmarks (a Grand Lodge will usually deem other Grand Lodges who share common landmarks to be regular, and those that do not to be “irregular” or “clandestine”). There are also appendant bodies, which are organizations related to the main branch of Freemasonry, but with their own independent administration.[10]

For one to be initiated, he have to acknowledge the ‘Supreme Deity’. This Deity is not defined. This leaves a loophole which can be abused. The supreme Deity is held and regarded as The Grand Architect who is responsible for the magnificence displayed in the universe.

The symbolism is mainly, but not exclusively, drawn from the manual tools of stonemasons – the square and compasses, the level and plumb rule, the trowel, among others. A moral lesson is attached to each of these tools, although the assignment is by no means consistent. The meaning of the symbolism is taught and explored through ritual. As one is enlightened through the society, he ascend on a radder of degrees starting from apprentice to Master Mason who holds the thirty third degree which is the highest.[11]



A glow of new light is borne out of the night and Lucifer is risen, once more to proclaim: “This is the age of Satan! Satan Rules the Earth!” The gods of the unjust are dead. This is the morning of magic, and undefiled wisdom. The FLESH prevailed and a great Church shall be built, consecrated in its name. No longer shall man’s salvation be dependent on his self‐denial. And it will be known that the world of the flesh and the living shall be the greatest preparation for any and all eternal delights!


Then there is nine satanic statements which contradict the Ten Commandments we have in Christianity religion and more particularly Roman Catholic Church.


The Nine Satanic Statements 

1. Satan represents indulgence, instead of abstinence!

2. Satan represents vital existence, instead of spiritual pipe dreams!

3. Satan represents undefiled wisdom, instead of hypocritical self‐deceit!

4. Satan represents kindness to those who deserve it, instead of love wasted on ingrates!

5. Satan represents vengeance, instead of turning the other cheek!

6. Satan represents responsibility to the responsible, instead of concern for psychic vampires!

7. Satan represents man as just another animal, sometimes better, more often worse than those that walk on all‐fours, who, because of his “divine spiritual and intellectual development,” has become the most vicious animal of all!

8. Satan represents all of the so‐called sins, as they all lead to physical, mental, or emotional gratification!

9. Satan has been the best friend the church has ever had, as he has kept it in business all these years!

Other than the satanic statement, there is Satanic Bible which is the main text of reference. It contains therein the code, the cult and the creed. The following is just but a brief synopsis of the first two books which carries the gist of the whole text.

 (Fire) The Book Of Satan: The Infernal Diatribe

The first book of the Satanic Bible is not an attempt to blaspheme as much as it is a statement of what might be termed “diabolical indignation.” The Devil has been attacked by the men of God relentlessly and without reservation. Never has there been an opportunity, short of fiction, for the Dark Prince to speak out in the same manner as the spokesmen of the Lord of the Righteous. For all the centuries of shouting‐down the Devil has received, he has never shouted back at his detractors. He has remained the gentleman at all times, while those he supports rant and rave. He has shown himself to be a model of deportment, but now he feels it is time to shout back. He has decided it is finally time to receive his due. Now the ponderous rule‐books of hypocrisy are no longer needed. In order to relearn the Law of the Jungle, a small, slim diatribe will do. Each verse is an inferno. Each word is a tongue of fire. The flames of Hell burn fierce . . . and purify!

(Air) The Book Of Lucifer: The Enlightenment

The Roman god, Lucifer, was the bearer of light, the spirit of the air, the personification of enlightenment. In Christian mythology he became synonymous with evil, which was only to have been expected from a religion whose very existence is perpetuated by clouded definitions and bogus values! It is time to set the record straight. It has been said “the truth will make men free.” The truth alone has never set anyone free. It is only DOUBT which will bring mental emancipation. Without the wonderful element of doubt, the doorway through which truth passes would be tightly shut, impervious to the most strenuous poundings of a thousand Lucifers. How understandable that Holy Scripture should refer to the infernal monarch as the “father of lies”—a magnificent example of character inversion. If one is to believe this theological accusation that the Devil represents falsehood, then it surely must be concurred that it was HE, NOT GOD, THAT ESTABLISHED ALL SPIRITUAL RELIGIONS AND WHO WROTE ALL OF THE HOLY BIBLES! When one doubt is followed by another, the bubble, grown large from long accumulated fallacies, threatens to burst. For those who already doubt supposed truths, this book is revelation. Then Lucifer will have risen.[12]

  1. CULTIC 

This is for those, who are seriously interested in black magic. People with prejudices and the mob should stay away: they would only troddle in darkness and be highly indignant. The described black magic rituals are not without danger and are consequently unsuitable for people who are not mentally in good constitution. Take heed to follow all instructions the way they are described. Without the necessary precautions every ritual will turn to your disadvantage, confusion and total destruction. On the contrary, by following the instructions with precision, you will achieve a complete success in all your enterprises. Finally I have to mention that here nothing is written for the sceptic people and it won´t help them.

3.1 Black mass

Definition: A Black Mass is a parody of the Catholic mass sometimes practiced by wealthy opponents of the Church in the Dark Ages. Some so-called ‘black masses’ were performed by priests to curse enemies, a practice condemned by the church. While this practice was ascribed to witches during trials, it is unlikely it was practiced by common people. Modern Satanists sometimes perform a ‘black mass’ for theatrical effect, but it is not a standard practice in Satanism or modern witchcraft.

The Black Mass combines various elements:

– Belief in a pagan deity stigmatized by Christians as the Devil.

– Use of the Mass for material ends.

– Parodies of orthodox Christian ritual.

The Black Mass is a magical ceremony and inversion or parody of the Catholic Mass that was indulged in ostensibly for the purpose of mocking God and worshipping the devil; a rite that was said to involve human sacrifice as well as obscenity and blasphemy of horrific proportions. The origin of the belief in the Black, or Satanic, Mass goes back to medieval magic and witchcraft, yet no one really knows the early history of this magical act, for there exists no single reliable, first-hand description. A witch who said she was present described a Black Mass at a Sabbath in France in 1594. She claimed that the ceremony had taken place on St. John’s Eve in a field with about sixty people present. The celebrant wore a long black cloak devoid of the customary cross, and his assistants were two girls; while a slice of turnip, black (either stained or putrid), was used instead of consecrated bread.

Other stories of the Black Mass include mention of black triangular or hexagonal hosts and a black chalice; of mocking screams of “Beelzebub! Beelzebub! Beelzebub !” instead of speaking the holy words of consecration; of wine that may be either urine or blood drunk from a human skull; or celebrants naked beneath sleeveless vestments decorated in brilliant colors with such subjects as a naked and spread-eagled woman, a rampant pig or bear or goat; of sacramental wafers (incorporating menstrual blood and semen) being burnt or stabbed, and consecrated wine being poured contemptuously on to the floor; of missals bound in wolf skin or even human skin; of feasts on roasted human flesh; of frenzied sexual orgies and new-born children being crucified alive or baptized in holy oil, strangled and offered as a sacrifice to Satan; of naked bodies being used as altars; of young boys’ throats being cut to provide blood for the chalice, with prayers to the demons Asmodeus and Astaroth; of Christian prayers being said backwards; of black candles made from human fat; of parts of the Mass being read backwards; of “Satan” being substituted for “God” and “evil” for “good”; of crosses being tattooed on the soles of the feet so that the symbol of Christ is continually trodden underfoot. Eric Maple, a leading authority on witchcraft, goes so far as to assert that the Black Mass is an illusion, fostered by the press that never played any part in witchcraft.

The Abbe Boullan (1824-93), a defrocked Catholic priest who believed that he was a reincarnation of John the Baptist, is reported to have celebrated a Black Mass while in vestments which had inverted crucifix embroidered, with a  pentagram tattooed at the corner of his left eye (the left being the side of evil). He recommended the ceremonial sacrifice of a child at the high point of the Mass, and the use of consecrated hosts being mixed with faeces as a cure for nuns who complained they were tormented by devils. The occultist Aleister Crowley devised satanic rituals, but the intention appears to have been anti-Christian rather than criminal. The Church of Satan has based its much publicized diabolism upon a rejection of the Christian ethics of self-denial and humility.

3.2. Satanic baptisms

Satanic Baptismal rites for both adults and children were written by Anton Szandor LaVey and published in his book “The Satanic Rituals”. These ceremonies were created because many people find the need to have some form of initiation or transition, especially if they have previously been affiliated with a different religion. However, no baptism is required for people to consider themselves Satanists; they simply must fully understand the literature expounding the philosophy of the Church of Satan and agree with it. If an adult joins and desires to have a baptism, then if there are other members within travelling distance who become friends with this person, they might agree to perform the ceremony.

Since Satanism advocates free will, it is against the principles of our philosophy to baptize infants into Satanism. Members who are parents make it a practice to expose their children to many different religions and philosophies so that they will be free to make their own decisions regarding what path would best suit them. If a minor whose parents are Church of Satan members has reached a point wherein an informed decision is made to embrace Satanism as a personal philosophy, then that minor may request to be baptized under the sponsorship of the parents.

3.3 Sacrifices

Greater Magic, which is our name for our ritual practice, is basically meant as self-transformational psychodrama. That is it serves as a means to purge oneself of unwanted emotional baggage that might be hindering a daily pursuit of joy in life. We do not require that anyone accept that it is more than this. The pageantry of ritual is a drama meant for emotional stimulation, not a belief in or worship of any power higher than the projected will of the magician. It is called an “intellectual decompression chamber.”

The three basic types of Satanic Ritual are outlined in detail in The Satanic Bible, which is essential reading for those wanting to grasp our perspective on this practice. They are for Compassion (for oneself and others), Lust (to release unrequited sexual urges) and Destruction (to cleanse oneself of anger towards someone who has done you an injustice). These serve as models for whatever other purposes one might feel the need to explore via ritual. In The Satanic Rituals Anton LaVey presents other rituals essentially meant for a large group performance based on historical and cultural diabolist imagery.

However, some Satanists also consider the possibility that, through the raising of emotions focused towards a specific achievable goal in ritual, ideas/concepts/images might be

Transmitted to the minds of other people at a distance, thus perhaps influencing them to make future decisions favorable to the outcome of the situation desired by the magician (transmitter). It then seems to us plausible that there would be a means that is part of nature through which this works. It is not attained through the intervention of supernatural beings, as we do not believe such things exist. The desired goal, what we call an “Is-To-Be”, would vary based on peoples’ ability to transmit as well as receive such images as well as the likelihood of the situation towards which the magician is working. Rupert Sheldrake, a biologist, has spent many years exploring the “extended mind” and has solid statistical evidence that there in deed does exist a mechanism in nature that could be used for such ends. His many books are fascinating and worth investigating. We emphasize that the philosophy of the Church of Satan does not require that our members believe that ritual is more than an emotional experience, nor is there a mandate even to ritualize at all. We simply offer it as a tool for experimentation. Some folks have found results that they feel are beyond coincidence or statistical parameters. Others simply enjoy the release of emotions otherwise hindering their pursuit of personal happiness.

There is no judgment placed on members of the Church of Satan regarding their personal understanding of how ritual functions. One is not more or less of a Satanist based upon his or her evaluation of Greater Magic.[13]

Into The Darkness: The Satanic Church

Church services that include nude women lying on altars or human skulls are not everyday occurrences, but these are just two of the rituals that you can expect if you ever walk into a Church of Satan service. This group has been around for 48 years, but, as Gisesa Mangenya finds out, it made its way into the country some years ago, and with promises of riches, its hold on Kenyans is only growing stronger. The room would be pitch black were it not for the two candles at both ends of the long table that bathe it in a deep red hue, the same colour as the floor length curtains. Between the candles is a round wine flask, a golden wine goblet and, next to it, a human skull, a sword and a golden bell. On the right side of the table is a 1-metre long and 2- metre high trapezoidal altar where a nude woman reclin’s with her head pointing south. On the wall, above the woman, is the symbol of the ‘Sigil of Baphomet’, a goat’s head, drawn within an inverted pentagram surrounded by a circle. The letters on each point of the pentagram are Hebrew and spell ‘Leviathan’, one of the four crown princes of hell. This particular configuration is the registered trademark of the Church of Satan. Cloaked men, led by one of their members who is carrying a candle, walk leisurely into the room, heads bowed. The man with the candle walks to the front of the room and places it on the table. He lifts the wine and pours it into the goblet, bows and leaves.

After that, the High Priest takes his place. Unlike the rest, he is not hooded, but he’s wearing a priest’s collar that cinches his long, black robe at the neck. Closing his eyes, he raises his hands as if in prayer. When he opens them he lifts the bell with his left hand, rings it nine times as he slowly turns around the room eight times – to invoke the spirit of Satan. Placing the bell on the table, he picks the sword and, after a beat, spears the air once. “In nominee de nostre Satanas; Lucifere Excelsis! (In the name of Satan; the glorious Lucifer!).” High Mass at the Church of Satan starts. There are a lot of cults across the globe, some so old that their origins are unknown. In comparison, the Church of Satan is still young, just 48 years old. This sect, whose members worship Satan, has gained traction worldwide, and finally, last year, it made its way into Kenya and began spreading its roots in the largely Christian country.[14]


3.4 Witchcraft

Initiation Rituals

There are three grades or degrees in contemporary witchcraft. They are, in ascending order of importance:

  1. Priest and Witch of the Great Goddess;
  2. Witch Queen or, in the case of a male, Magus; and
  3. High Priestess or High Priest.

The first degree:

In the first degree the candidate is led naked, blindfolded and with his hands tied behind his back, into the “Circle of Power”. After various occult mutterings from the leader of the coven, the postulant receives the five-fold kiss (on feet, knees, genitals, breast and lips) and forty strokes of the scourge, and takes an oath of secrecy: “I, X. . .., in the presence of the Mighty Ones do of my own free will and accord most solemnly swear that I will ever keep secret and never reveal the secrets of the Art except it be to a proper person, properly prepared, with a Circle such as this. And that I will never deny the secrets of the Art to such a person if he or she be vouched for by a Brother or Sister of the Art. All this I swear by my hopes of a future life mindful that my measure has been taken and may my magical weapons turn against me if I break this my solemn oath.” It can safely be said that no oath has so often been broken as this one; for the “secrets of the Art” have been recorded in books, shown on television and described in the popular Press. Following the administration of the oath, the candidate is handed various implements, known as the “working tools of the Art”, and has their use explained to him. For example, he is given the athame, a black-hilted knife, the design of which Crowley and Gardner took from the old textbook of magic known as the Key of Solomon, and told that with it he can “form all Magic Circles, dominate, enslave and punish all rebellious spirits and demons and persuade angels and good spirits”. Finally, the candidate is informed that he is now “Priest and Witch of the Great Goddess”.



The second degree:

The second degree again incorporates scourging; the aspirant is asked whether he is willing to “suffer and be purified in order to learn”, and after he has answered in the affirmative duly receives forty strokes of the scourge. The leader of the coven then states that “in Witchcraft thou must ever give as thou receive, but triple”, and the candidate is instructed to administer 120 strokes of the scourge to the initiator. These proceedings being concluded, the “legend of the Goddess” is then either read out aloud or, in some covens, acted as a mystery play. This “legend” is a variant on the classical myth of Persephone and concludes with the words: “There are three great events in the life of Man; Love, Death and Resurrection in a new body. Magic rules them all. For to make Love perfect you must return at the same time and place as the loved one, remember the past and love again.” At the end of the reading or play the aspirant is led around the Circle and it is proclaimed to the “Mighty Ones of the Elements” that a new Magus or Witch Queen has been consecrated.

The third degree:

The third degree is centred around ritual sexual intercourse in the Circle between the candidate and the initiator. The rite is of little interest except to voyeurs and in many covens it takes place in symbolic form only. When this latter course is followed, the magic knife (athame) is solemnly dipped into a chalice of wine and the onlookers are informed that “as is the Woman to Man so is the Cup to the Athame”.[15]


This concept is very evident in the apocalyptic book in the Bible. The antichrist is spoken of in terms of a number of a man. In Revelation 13:17, speaks about the ‘beast with seven horns’.

This brings about the concept of the number 666. A number used to invoke the Satan and it is commonly used to denote Satan/the Antichrist/the devil. This notwithstanding, there have developed a kind of fear in association or use of the number 666. This fear is known as hexakosioihexakontahexaphobia.

Other places where the number is used in the Bible is to denote the amount of gold talents King Solomon used to collect per year. (1 kings 10:14)

This number was also used anciently to denote the name of the Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar which was converted into Hebrew numeral and it added up to 663. Another form of writing the king’s name was Nebuchadnezzur and this added up to 669. When the variance was sought for the addition of the two forms of writing the king’s name, 666 was arrived at.

This method also was used by the Romans and when they calculated the name of the emperor Nero, it adds up to 666.

But what does the antichrist or 666 really mean?

In the context within which is found, it is all about numbers. Jewish culture had a great reference to the meaning of numbers. Numbers 1, 2, 5, 7, 10, 12, 40, etc. had a great significance. Among the numbers that signified perfection were 5 and 7. A good example is depicted in the creation story whereby God created the earth in six days and rested on the seventh day. Another example is illustrated on the day on which our Lord Jesus Christ resurrected and from thence, we have the day of the Lord. The most perfect of days.

With that brief understanding of the importance of the numbers in the Jewish community, then we can elucidate what the number 666 means. The writer of the apocalyptic books had an aim of expressing the idea of imperfection. Number 6 is short one to become seven. Therefore number 6 denotes imperfect. But why is it repeated thrice?

In Isaiah 6:3, ‘Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of Hosts! All earth is filled with his glory!’ brings out the aspect of repetition. It was a form of writing that was used to emphasis. Here, God is expressed as not just holy but most holy. In the same manner, the repetition of the number 666 is used to denote not just an imperfection but an utter imperfection.

Therefore, the antichrist or the number 666 denotes the political systems which are depicted a gross failure.

What does it mean to have the Beasts mark?

By people receiving its mark means that the follow the beast with admiration to a point of worshipping it. (Rev. 13:3, 4; 16:2)

By giving worshipful honor to their country, its symbols or its military might are ways of receiving the mark of the beast. This is all in the name of nationalism which have become like a form religion in the modern world.

How is it placed on the hand or the forehead?

Regard the exhortation of God to the children of Israel that “Bind them as a reminder on your hand and should be like a headband on their foreheads.” (Deut. 6:8, 11:18, Exod. 13:9)

This meant that it was to guide their thoughts and actions. Those who go with the beast’s allurements of political systems are like a direct opposition with God.[16]

Another misconception about the fulfillment of the prophecy was witnessed in the United States when the technological advancement brought onboard Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) chip.


Incidents of devil worship are on the rise in Kenya, with members of the occult claiming that recent cases of road accidents are their latest acts aiming at harvesting blood.

In one of the confessions aired by a local radio station, a confessed devil worshipper claimed she was being taken to the mortuary when she ‘rose from the dead’ after being confirmed dead by doctors at Mama Lucy hospital. She claims that while being presumed to be dead, she was at a location below the sea where she saw several accidents taking place.

In June 2010,suspected serial killer Philip Onyancha claimed he had been  inducted into devil worshipping while still a student at Kenyatta Mahiga High School in Nyeri.

In August 2011, at least 50 students from Moi High School kamusinga were sent home for allegedly practicing lesbianism and devil worship.

Related to this is ‘The National Church of Bey’ in America WHICH has left people with many questions after she claimed to be the goddess of the church by the name ‘Mother Bey.’

The name of the religion is called Beyism and they use a Bible called Beyble which talks of Beyonce as a woman who has powers like that of God and she’s therefore termed as Goddess.

The religion has thousands of believers so far.

6.1 In Kenya

Today, other than the church of Satan, there are several satanic cults that have garnered a following in Kenya. They include Temple of Satan, Joy of Stan Ministries, Redeemer Church of Stan, Modern Church of Satan and the Occult. Satanists operate in small groups and have a few have permanent places of worship.  Each of this cults meet in hotels and residential homes located in affluent neighborhood.

In the 1990’s, a satanic wave around the country forced the former president Daniel Arap Moi to form a commission to investigate devil worshipping cults in Kenya. The commission headed by Archbishop Nicodemus Kirima, was appointed in March 1995. Traversing the country, the commission interviewed members of the public, students, teachers and heads of institutions, religious and political leaders.

After concluding its investigations in 1996, the committee did not reveal any report for three years, and only part of it was released in 1999. The commission reported that it had found evidence of students who were occultists. The report stated that; ‘’the members (of Satanism) consider themselves above the law and are organised into cults.’’ The report contained astonishing details such as unsuspecting Kenyans being lured to join cults by members who left Ksh. 500 on the victim’s path.  The cult members only contacted the poverty stricken victims after they had used the money and forced them to join Satanism as they knew they had no means of paying back the already spent money.

Former President Moi in an official statement revealed that the government had carefully studied the recommendations of the commission, which had far reaching complications, ‘’However, owing to the sensitive nature of the information contained in the report and the legal implications of some of the findings, it is not appropriate for the government to make the findings public.’’ He concluded.

However, presently, the church’s hold on Kenyans seems to be growing tighter. It seems that the cult is a tight knit group as members mostly recruit people familiar to them.

Dr David Githii of the Presbyterian Church of East Africa says that there are several satanic symbols in public institutions. In March 2007, he published a book titled Exposing an Conquering Satanic Forces Over Kenya, which he revealed how Satanic powers were holding the nation captive through symbols. The symbols include the Court of Arm, the Baphomet on top of the speaker of national assembly’s chair, the Babylonian Lion at the Attorney General’s office, the caduceus used by major hospitals, the blazing star at the entrance to the parliament and snake like sculptures within parliament buildings.[18]

In Kenya and Africa in general, anyone seeking out witchdoctors will do it for prosperity and wealth. And similarly, those joining satanic cults do so for one thing…power.

There are certain factors that would lead one to join Satanism. The occultists will use riches, drugs and power to lure people to Satanism.

Satanism is a cult that goes against everything that most Kenyans believe in. The church of Satan is slowly but surely growing in Kenya.

6.2 Recruitment

The church does not proselytize but welcomes inquiries from honest potential Satanists who hear about the church from the various books about it, the mass media, or word of mouth. New members must go through screening process before they are accepted. [19]

Although the church does not solicit for membership, one can pay membership fee. A registration form is downloaded online and strictly sent through postal mail. Upon payment of the registration fees, you are given an embossed crimson card declaring you a member of the church of Satan. When members meet, they have to produce the cards for identification. However, a rising number of people willing to join the church are posing the new challenge of protecting them from scam artistes. Kenyans willing to join the church of Satan are advised against trying to register with the church unless they have first been in contact through email and gained approval.

To increase openness, members of the church have opened a Facebook page, ‘The church of Satan’ through which willing members are contacted. The recruitment for membership of the church has some questions that can tickle your mind. The church asks if you are satisfied with your sexual life, your ideal sex partner, how many years you would like to live, the mind of car you could like to drive and other questions that largely touch on material things.[20]


Devil worship is real. It is happening and it is a fact that cannot be ignored altogether. Just like we are exhorted to be sober and vigilant, to pray unceasingly and to be on the lookout. We should be sober always.


[1] Thelema is a religion based on a philosophical law of the same name, adopted as a central tenet by some religious organizations. The law of Thelema is “Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. Love is the law, love under will.

[2] In the religion of Thelema, it is believed that the history of humanity can be divided into a series of aeons (also written æons), each of which was accompanied by its own forms of “magical and religious expression”. The first of these was the Aeon of Isis, which Thelemites believed occurred during prehistory and which saw mankind worshipping a Great Goddess, symbolised by the ancient Egyptian deity Isis. In Thelemite beliefs, this was followed by the Aeon of Osiris, a period that took place in the classical and mediaeval centuries, when humanity worshipped a singular male god, symbolised by the Egyptian god Osiris, and was therefore dominated by patriarchal values. And finally the third aeon, the Aeon of Horus, which was controlled by the child god, symbolised by Horus. In this new aeon, Thelemites believe that humanity will enter a time of self-realization and self-actualization.


[3] Cf.

[4]Cf. Satanic Bible_ pdf



[7] Cf.

[8] Ibid.,

[9] Cf.


[11] Ibid.,

[12] Cf. Satanic Bible_ pdf

[13] Cf. Satanic_Rituals_ pdf

[14] Ibid,


[16] Cf.

[17] Cf. Fr. Etienne sion,M. Deliver us from evil The Evil one(Ndanda Mission press agape centre,2006)

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